On my blog I would like to expand and rate more then just single products. I think doing whole websites is a great idea as well to let you know whats out there and what I think about them.
One recent website that I came across has just about everything you can think of from all over. Its name is www.shopwiki.com/.
Shoes,jewelry, and accessories just to name a few things at first glance that caught my eye.
One of the things I like is that there is tons of information on what you are looking to buy. For example if you are looking to buy make-up items or skin care then you can also read all sorts of stuff on the hottest trends and tips on the items you are looking for. There is just about every brand I could think of on there and from tons of different stores as well.
The directory is huge and there is a lot to choose from which is why I like it. Everything is organized and easy to find. I would recommend checking out this site. They are rapidly expanding over seas to countries like France, Germany, and Netherlands. I think you will be pleased with what you find.
Laser Hair Treatments
Laser hair treatments is a wonderful way to rid your body of excess body hair. Shaving gets really old when you do it every other day and waxing is painful and messy. I had my upper lip treated a few years ago and was very pleased with the results. Next I plan to have my under arms done because I hate seeing stubble under my arms, or any other woman's for that matter.
There is many places you can have laser treatments done, if you have hair any where including your bikini area you can get rid of it. Usually people need to have a few treatments done before its permanent but its well worth it in my opinion because that's less shaving, waxing, or putting on chemicals you will have to do in the future.
I did find a great place that I recommend going to if you are looking to have some treatments done. The very first reason I fell in love with this place is because they offer a complimentary test patch. How cool is that? You can get this done at one of their 6 locations in the New York area. You can go and check out their great site on hair removal and see all the different things and services they offer. There is a lot of information their and you can even get a free price quote! Check it out!
Smelling good starts at home
The first thing I notice when I go to someones home is the way it smells. There is nothing like wonderful fragrances to make me feel relaxed and comfortable. There is so many sites that offer different room fragrances but my girlfriend and I usually prefer to shop at Sabon NYC (a bath & body shop) because they have alot to choose from. My girlfriend actually got me hooked on their Heaven aroma which smells great! If you are more of a candle person then you can always find other amazing scented candles to fit your taste as well. I like candle light because it tends to make me look my best!
Smelling great makes you feel great, so while smelling great starts at the home you can still pamper yourself with natural creams and other great products that make you feel and smell nice. I am a big fan of organic creams myself. They can be a little more pricey but its well worth it.
The best part of being a woman is that we get to indulge ourselves in so many pretty fragrances, creams, lotions, and beauty products. After all we go through the pain of having babies so I think we deserve the best.
Great Whitening Toothpaste