I'm not sure what is going on with my lips, but as I get older they get thinner. Mostly my top lip has almost vanished. It makes me appear like I am frowning and drives me nuts. I'm not into injections but would like something permanent. I normally do not wear lipstick and gloss, just the occasional chap stick.
There is one trick you can do that I read about and it seems to help, although not permanent. You coat your lips with Vaseline and then use a toothbrush and actually brush your lips. I know it sounds funny but it helps to exfoliate them and makes them appear a little plumper. This still is not just what I am looking for though.
Another thing I read about seems pretty cool. You can get permanent makeup done for your lips. A tattoo that actually makes them appear bigger and last years! There is different ways they can do it to fit your needs. There is lining the lips, lip blending, and full lip creation. I would like to try the lip blending which is where they match the color of your lips and blend around your lips to make them look fuller. It looks natural and makes then look bigger and fuller. I think this is a great idea, but you must do your research. You want some one that does this a lot and has before and after photos. Prices range but from what I have seen online it looks like the average price is around 200.$. I'm going to give it a try soon and will keep you posted on how it turns out.

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