On my blog I would like to expand and rate more then just single products. I think doing whole websites is a great idea as well to let you know whats out there and what I think about them.
One recent website that I came across has just about everything you can think of from all over. Its name is www.shopwiki.com/.
Shoes,jewelry, and accessories just to name a few things at first glance that caught my eye.
One of the things I like is that there is tons of information on what you are looking to buy. For example if you are looking to buy make-up items or skin care then you can also read all sorts of stuff on the hottest trends and tips on the items you are looking for. There is just about every brand I could think of on there and from tons of different stores as well.
The directory is huge and there is a lot to choose from which is why I like it. Everything is organized and easy to find. I would recommend checking out this site. They are rapidly expanding over seas to countries like France, Germany, and Netherlands. I think you will be pleased with what you find.
Laser Hair Treatments
Laser hair treatments is a wonderful way to rid your body of excess body hair. Shaving gets really old when you do it every other day and waxing is painful and messy. I had my upper lip treated a few years ago and was very pleased with the results. Next I plan to have my under arms done because I hate seeing stubble under my arms, or any other woman's for that matter.
There is many places you can have laser treatments done, if you have hair any where including your bikini area you can get rid of it. Usually people need to have a few treatments done before its permanent but its well worth it in my opinion because that's less shaving, waxing, or putting on chemicals you will have to do in the future.
I did find a great place that I recommend going to if you are looking to have some treatments done. The very first reason I fell in love with this place is because they offer a complimentary test patch. How cool is that? You can get this done at one of their 6 locations in the New York area. You can go and check out their great site on hair removal and see all the different things and services they offer. There is a lot of information their and you can even get a free price quote! Check it out!
Smelling good starts at home
The first thing I notice when I go to someones home is the way it smells. There is nothing like wonderful fragrances to make me feel relaxed and comfortable. There is so many sites that offer different room fragrances but my girlfriend and I usually prefer to shop at Sabon NYC (a bath & body shop) because they have alot to choose from. My girlfriend actually got me hooked on their Heaven aroma which smells great! If you are more of a candle person then you can always find other amazing scented candles to fit your taste as well. I like candle light because it tends to make me look my best!
Smelling great makes you feel great, so while smelling great starts at the home you can still pamper yourself with natural creams and other great products that make you feel and smell nice. I am a big fan of organic creams myself. They can be a little more pricey but its well worth it.
The best part of being a woman is that we get to indulge ourselves in so many pretty fragrances, creams, lotions, and beauty products. After all we go through the pain of having babies so I think we deserve the best.
Great Whitening Toothpaste

Want Bigger Lips?
I'm not sure what is going on with my lips, but as I get older they get thinner. Mostly my top lip has almost vanished. It makes me appear like I am frowning and drives me nuts. I'm not into injections but would like something permanent. I normally do not wear lipstick and gloss, just the occasional chap stick.
There is one trick you can do that I read about and it seems to help, although not permanent. You coat your lips with Vaseline and then use a toothbrush and actually brush your lips. I know it sounds funny but it helps to exfoliate them and makes them appear a little plumper. This still is not just what I am looking for though.
Another thing I read about seems pretty cool. You can get permanent makeup done for your lips. A tattoo that actually makes them appear bigger and last years! There is different ways they can do it to fit your needs. There is lining the lips, lip blending, and full lip creation. I would like to try the lip blending which is where they match the color of your lips and blend around your lips to make them look fuller. It looks natural and makes then look bigger and fuller. I think this is a great idea, but you must do your research. You want some one that does this a lot and has before and after photos. Prices range but from what I have seen online it looks like the average price is around 200.$. I'm going to give it a try soon and will keep you posted on how it turns out.

Cover Girl Lash Blast
Cover Girl's Shimmering Sands Eyeshadow
This eyeshadow has to be the most popular set of 3 eye shadows I have seen people wear. It has the 2 brown colors and the lighter pink color. Everyone I have know loves it and has bought it. It seems the colors are right for just about everyone. It wears great and has a little bit of shimmer. I always use the lightest pink shade on the brow bone and the darker color in the crease. It runs about 5.00$ or so and last a long time. One of my all time favorites that I have been using for about 10 years now. I do wear other colors but when I need colors that I know will look great no matter what I choose these. They never fail me.
Shiseido Blush
I believe this blush cost around 32.00$ at Macy's. The color I chose was Innocent Rose. It was their lightest color. It goes on smooth and has a nice glow but I can honestly say that I don't see a lot of difference with it and other drug stores brands. You can get some cheaper brands that are a fraction of the price and seem to work just as well. I do like it but if your on a budget then I would recommend the Loreal True Match or even the Rimmel line of blushes that doesnt cost as much and performs the same.
Loreal True Match Blush
Wow! Getting the right tone of make-up is really important! This is why some days you look great and some days you cant figure out what it is that doesn't look right. I have gone through so many different shades of blush and foundation that its not funny. I could have put a down payment on a house with the amount of money I spent trying to figure out what I look best in. If you read the last post you will see what I mean about wearing the right colors for your skin tone.
I bought Loreal's True Match Blush for cool skin tones. I got the lightest shade because I am very fair. I went home and put on a shirt that matches my tone as well. I also put on eye shadow to match so everything would flow well.
When I was done with my makeup I looked so much better then I had looked in a long time. I was blown away at how much doing this and finding the right shades did for me. The blush made me look so healthy and I really did have a nice glow to my skin. The blush blends well and gives me a nice dewy look. I will buy this stuff from here on out. The only thing I would change would be the fact that the first ingredient is Talc which is in most grocery store brands. I really am not crazy about anything that is a drying agent, but other then that I am delighted with this blush.
Whats My Skin Tone?
Your skin can come in one of two tones, warm or cool. Your skin tone is just the undertone of your skin. Matching the right colors for you is important if you want a healthy radiant glow. If you do not wear the right colors for your skin tone you can look tired and even sick. Everything from you foundation, blush, lipstick, hair color, clothes and jewelry colors will either compliment you or give you a washed out look. There is a few things you can do to determine what you skin tone is.
Important Things for Healthy Skin
- Eating a good diet
- Taking a multi-vitamin
- Fish oil Capsules
- Vitamin A Cream
- Vitamin E Oil
- Soap Free Washes
- Exercise
- Lots of fresh water
- Limit Sun Exposure
- Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize
- Omega Fatty Acids
- Antioxidants
- Pat your skin dry, do not wipe harshly
Ponds Cold Cream
I know this is an oldie but, its a goodie! I started using this about 7 years ago to remove makeup. I heard about it from a co-worker that was 84 years old. She had great skin for her age and she told me that all the ladies in her family swore by it. She said to never ever use soap on your face because it will dry and age your skin. So I started using it and was worried at first because after you removed your makeup with it, it leaves a coating on that feels oily. This may sound bad but its not. It does not brake you out and keeps your skin moist. Some people use it in the shower or with a washcloth but I use a paper towel and sit in bed and remove my makeup before I go to sleep. If you do this everyday you never have to wash your face with soap, and never have to dry it out. I swear by this stuff. One jar last months and only cost around 6.00$. Be sure to get the one with the green lid and not the blue. The blue is just a cream and the green is the actual makeup remover one. On 1 to 5 Ponds Cold Cream gets a 5!
No Bismuth Please Mineral Makeup
Mineral makeup is a hot trend. If you do a search there is endless companies claiming they have the best or the purest makeup. The truth is only some of them are really true to this. My rule with mineral makeup is the less ingredients the better. One of the biggest complaints I have with mineral makeup is many companies use Bismuth as a filler in there makeup. Bismuth can irritate your skin and make it itchy. For example if I use mineral makeup with Bismuth in it and I get a little hot or its humid out then my face with get real itchy. I mean to the point where I actually have to wash the makeup off. Some people it doesn't do this to but it is still not something you want in your makeup. I do a lot of my buying on eBay and you can search on there for Bismuth free mineral makeup. You will get all kinds of different brand to choose from. The strange thing about this is, the larger more known companies are more often the ones that have the Bismuth in their products.
Burt's Bees Products
I decided a little while back to stop using some of my favorites shampoos, conditioners, and soaps because of certain chemicals in them that have rumored to be linked with certain cancers. Some of these chemical are the Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Magnesium Sufate &Sodium Laryth Sulfate. They are in just about every grocery brand shampoo, soap, face wash etc. Now I have heard different conflicting reports on weather they actually are linked to cancer. I did see on the news however that even Johnson's baby shampoo has it in it. They said that it was such small trace amounts that it wasn't harmful. I disagree with that for the simple reason it might be a small amount but when you combine that with all the products you use with these chemicals in it, it really adds up.
The other thing that I didn't not like about these chemicals is that they are also drying agents. They can dry out your skin and hair. I definitely don't want my skin dried out because that will only help to age me.
Burt's Bees is free of all harmful chemicals. There is many more other then the ones I listed as well that many frown upon. So now have almost all of there products which are amazing. They are a little more money but its worth it. There shampoos are PH balanced which is very important for healthy hair and they conditioners are still nice and creamy. I use the Raspberry and Brazil but shampoo and love the smell. I would recommend their products to everyone! I love the idea of going natural. Plus I switched my daughter over to there baby tearless shampoo. They have it all and you can find it at most stores like Wal-mart and other drugstores. Give a try!
Importance Of Vitamin A
One of the most important things you can do for your skin is use Vitamin A! There is creams that also are called Retinal or Retin-A that you can get as well. Vitamin A is really good for your skin and is easily absorbed into your skin as well. It isn't to much money, I actually buy mine on eBay. It helps with a long list of problems like, uneven skin tone, fine lines, red marks and makes your skin more luminous. Some people may experience redness with use so if this happens wait a few days and then start using it again. I cant tell you how important this is for great looking skin.
Vita-K Blotchy Skin
My problem is every since I was pregnant my skin became hyper active. This means for me if I get a blemish it turns red and stays that way for months. It has really been hard on my skin. So for 15.00$ you get 3 oz. of this cream that is enriched with ProVita-K Complex and Meadowfoam Flower. It is supposed to help with uneven skin tone.
Did it work after the first application? Yes it did. I was very happy to say that I looked brighter and more even. I had a bad dark spot on my chin and with in 3 days it took most all of the red out. I was very surprised. I will continue to use this for better results, but so far between 1-5 I give it a 4.5! If I keep improving then it will get the full 5.
The Best Perfume ever to be Smelled
I have to say that I am super picky about perfumes. I have a sensitive sniffer and usually do not like most perfumes that everyone else seems to love. There is one however that smells so good that it would be hard for me to believe that some one wasn't crazy about it. I know everyone has their own taste but I have found that this perfume appeals to all the people I have ever had to try it. What is it you ask? Its by Escada and its called Magnetism! It is amazing and I don't think anything will ever beat it. I did hear they might be discontinuing it so I went on EBay and bought a ton of it. I cant tell you how great this stuff is so if you see it BUY IT!
Unfair Compatition for Women
Since the time I was a little girl I was obsessed with being pretty. I always felt I needed to look just like the girls on the magazines or T.V. As I grew up and got into relationships I would always wonder if my boyfriend said to me, " your the most beautiful girl in the world." I would compare myself to the women that I seen on every magazine stand and feel that they were perfect. So I would try more and more things to get me the same looks. Things like airbrushed skin, flawless white teeth, and perfect hair everyday of the week seemed to be pretty hard to do. I truly wanted to be the best though.
I thought about this for years and then realized one day that I was competing with false images. After seeing a show on how much editing is done to even the best looking models before they get printed in a magazine, I knew my goal was out of reach. These women had professional makeup artist, lighting, and computer programs that fix any problem they have. The images the public sees have all been doctored up. I was competing with perfection, but needed to realize that it was not all "real". So in a way it still bothered me because I know when my boyfriend sees these pictures he will just see the beauty, not the editing or airbrushing that is done. I had to except the way the world is or I would never be happy.
My point is, I think so many times these magazines or pictures make woman feel insecure. This is sad to me because there is no way any of us can compete with this. I don't have professionals, lighting, and programs to fix me before I step out. We can only work with what we have and what we were given. The best I can do is take care of myself and eat a good diet and learn to be happy with what I have. If I am confident and happy then my mate will be as well.
Loreal Akin Genesis Pore Minimizing Re-smoother
One of my worst pet peeves is big pores. I have always worried about mine over the years and tried different things so my skin appears to have no pores. So I went and bought The new product by Loreal for minimizing pores. It will run you about 20.00$.
The first few times I put it on I noticed my skin got a little red and tingled, that might bother some women but I like to feel something work or at least doing something. It does have acids in it so I was expecting this anyways. Now it takes about 4 to 6 weeks to really see a difference. So I get inpatient and on about the 4th night I cake it on all over my face. I put it on super thick. After about 5 minutes my face really was tingling and even had a little bit of stinging as well. It almost felt like a Glycolic peel. I will say even thought I over did it on that night the next day my face felt softer then its felt in a long time.
Now I have been using it for about 5 or 6 weeks. My skin looks better and smoother and pores appear to be a little less noticeable. I think with longer use it will only get better!
Olay Definity Color Recapture
When I first saw this new product on TV I really wanted to try it. I went to Walgreens and found out it was 30.00$ and decided to wait. Happily when I was shopping at Wal-Mart I saw that it was around 24.00$ so I thought I would try it. There is 3 different shades and being my skin is very light I decided on the lightest shade. This is a skin cream with light tinting that is supposed to even out skin tone and make your skin more luminous.
The bottle and look of the new cream is very unique as it has the cream swirled in with the tinted color. The way it looks alone makes you want to buy it! It is by far the neatest face product I have seen to date.
The directions say to wear alone or under make-up. When I first put it on my face I noticed a healthy glow. It gives your skin that dewy look that so many woman want these days. It also gives a small tint of color to your face. I then used a little bit or regular foundation on my face with it. When I was finished I really liked the way my skin looked. It seems that everything they said it would do it did. The best part is for the next two weeks it seemed to look better everyday. I was and am still very pleased with this product. It seems that a little goes a long ways as you can not tell anything is missing out of the bottle. I know the way the economy is most people are not willing to spend that much on a face cream but I can tell you this is one of the best products I have tried and I am very happy that I bought it. I will buy more!